Stress And Anxiety Release Program

As well as our very powerful and effective Quit Smoking program, The Healthy Living Clinic also offers a Stress/Anxiety Release Program.

Many adults and children struggle with anxiety and stress in their lives, and whilst there are many “coping strategies” and drug based therapies out there, the real problems usually lie in the subconscious mind, and the beliefs and consequent behavior’s that people have taken on board during their journey through life. 

For many people their beliefs around how to deal with stress and challenging life situations are developed in their childhood. If for example one or more parents had issues with stress and anxiety, there is a high likelihood that a child will grow up and have the same issues themselves as they will have “learned” their stress responses from the parent, and that learned response will become a “subconscious belief”. As an example if a child sees a parent get angry or upset when a problem arises, then in all likelihood they will take on the belief that this is the correct way to respond under these circumstances.

This is not always the way that our stress/anxiety responses come about. Significant negative life experiences of all sorts can shape the way we respond/react in certain situations. For example if someone had a bad car accident, this may cause the belief that “driving is dangerous” or “cars are dangerous” to be taken on board, which then becomes a subconscious belief and they may become very anxious and fearful whilst driving or being driven. 

Stress and anxiety may also be a result of feeling “out of control” and “overwhelmed” with life in general, whether that is due to work pressure, family challenges, or financial challenges and so on.

Stress and anxiety can also cause people physical health issues. Headaches, migraines and physical tension in the body can often be directly linked to stress. 

Whatever the cause of the stress/anxiety that is negatively impacting your life, our Stress/Anxiety Release Program can have positive benefits for you in terms of being able to deal with it in a more supportive manner, and also to release stress that you are holding on to physically.

Using two extremely powerful subconscious mind change techniques, Hypnosis and Neuro-linguistic Programming [NLP for short, this is a very powerful subconscious mind communication language, which communicates with the subconscious in a very effective manner] our program has two very powerful benefits….

Firstly it gently but effectively re-programs your subconscious beliefs around handling stress and anxiety, clearing those beliefs that don’t support you and giving you the tools to handle stressful situations in a more calm relaxed and supportive way.

Secondly there is a very powerful exercise to release held stress from past events, which in turn can release physical discomfort from the body.

Our Stress/Anxiety Release Program enables people to move forward in their lives with a more positive and relaxed attitude to the future and significantly improved coping skills to deal with whatever challenges life brings in a way that supports both their mental and physical wellbeing.

The cost of the Stress/Anxiety Release Program is $200.00. 

[This does include a free follow up session within the first month if the client feels it is needed]..