The Readiness Test

If you were to put your desire to stop smoking on a scale of 1 to 10, where do you think that you would be?

Be totally honest with yourself. If you are at least a 7, then you are ready to stop smoking now.

If you are any less than this, you need to work on your motivation to quit smoking prior to coming to see us at our quit smoking clinic here in Christchurch.

What I suggest is that you make a booking for perhaps around 2 weeks ahead. This actually starts the whole ball rolling as you are putting a stake in the ground and telling your subconscious that you are serious about quitting smoking. In the intervening time, spend some quiet time reflecting on all the benefits you will get from quitting smoking and all the good things you will have to look forward too.

This exercise will boost your motivation to quit smoking and get you into the right mind-set to stop smoking successfully.